What makes you feel good about life?
Explore, Share, Celebrate life with Tutu's House.
Our History
One of Friends of the Future’s earliest initiatives, the Health and Wellness Group, formed to change the course of the community’s health by developing a new model of health with the community leading the way. After conducting a community health needs assessment, Friends of the Future began to facilitate community members’ efforts to create a wellness resource center.
Today we know that center as Tutu’s House.
Why a Tutu’s House?
In Hawaiʻi, tutu means grandma, grandpa, a beloved and trusted elder. Who do you go to for wisdom and healing? Where do you find welcome and aloha? The home of your beloved elder! Secure in the comfort of your tutu’s house, you relax and open to learning more about yourself, your health, and your wellness. Explore and practice many ways of healing and being healthy, from modern medical approaches to ancient traditions, movement and social activities. You decide what’s right for you.
How Tutu’s House Works
Tutu’s House is a community creation. Our greatest resource ~ our people ~ volunteer to lead activities, build relationships as they learn together, and contribute financial support when they can. (The activities and other resources Tutu’s House shares are available free of charge.) Every person is valued. Every contribution is valued ~ from financial resources to caring hearts, and new to old knowledge. We invite you to share your own approach to health. Your interest is the only credential required!
Today at Tutu’s House
If you need assistance accessing the online activities or would like to know more, please call us at 808-885-6777
Our hearts are full of gratitude for all the continued contributions that make it possible for Tutu’s House to share health and wellness with the community.
Why are Tutu’s House activities for “free?”
Tutu’s House is free so that all people have affordable access to interactive, experiential, and informative health-related activities and inspiring opportunities to make the best choices for their own circumstances.
While there is no cost to participate in Tutu’s House activities your donations are welcomed to help ensure activities will continue to be offered.
Even though volunteers’ contributions of time and talent are significant, Tutu’s House still incurs expenses for staff and space to coordinate and host activities, as would any business of its kind.
Donations from people like you provide an important source of financial support AND show other funders—such as foundations, trusts, and businesses—Tutu’s House is valued by the community.